MovieChat Forums > Natasha Richardson Discussion > One Year Ago Today :'(

One Year Ago Today :'(

Im watching wild child,
and am like Oh My Gosh, natasha richardson *sad face*
and then i came on her IMDB and am like,
wow, one year today.
She passed away one year ago today,
she was so amazing.
i cant believe it :(
i loved her so much!
One of the worlds most amazing actress's.
R.I.P Natasha Richardson


I agree with you alicia-gray. I cannot believe it has been one year already! A truely great actress gone way before her time.


I miss her. Poor liam and the kids, today must be so hard for them.
your in our prayers.


I know. I've been thinking about her all week long.

You hear the word "luminous" often used to describe an actress's screen presence but Natasha truly was luminous...

"Yes ma'am, I'll have a cup a coffee, but I can't eat no cake just now."


It is amazing that a year has passed.

Anybody feeling less angry? Less stunned by her spectacularly bad luck or the fact that someone who cared so much about other people had no one on that day who cared about her?


I don't procrastinate...I reschedule.


Can't believe this either, but still we manage to remember her as a beautiful human being. We'll always love u Tasha


It is hard to believe. I remember so vividly watching that Larry King show about her condition and just feeling so shocked by the whole thing. I'm furious about how stupidly these injuries are handled, let alone the lack of safety training and regulations. So many people perish who might have been saved. I drove past a ski resort over the weekend, and I noticed more people seemed to be wearing helmets. I thought of poor Natasha, and chills went up my spine. At least more people are taking precautions on the slopes; yet, it's cold comfort, since I still miss seeing her act or interacting with her marvelous family. What a stupid waste! We really miss you, Natasha! My heart goes out to your family. These memories are always so painful.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops!


It's upsetting for her family, but its not going to keep me up at night, she never did anything for me, nor would care if i died, just because she's an overly paid actress she gets everyones sympathy, how about the 10 people who died in Africa in much worse conditions whilst i wrote this, not an ounce of sympathy, well maybe now that iv pointed it out.

The world is messed up
