I remember watching the Professor and the Nanny as well as Return to Witch Mountain as a kid but did not know it was the same girl in Tuff Turf, her last movie before leaving show business to raise her family. Also, did not know she was from Mieola, NY where I went to high school let alone her family tree. Boy, though let me tell you as a young man going through his adolescence at the time, I was obsessed with her. I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. And for someone to walk away like she did, that took a lot of courage and will. I hope the best for her and hope to see her in some more projects. I did not see Black Snake Moan yet though almost picked it up the other day when in Blockbuster. Though I am a huge Sam fan, I am not a huge fan of Christine Ricci. Now that I know Kim is in it I will rent it. I think it is time to pull out the old VHS copy of Tuff Turf. Gotta go...