I was sort of shocked a few times when the cast was outside, how much older everyone (except Eileen, my gosh her skin is incredible, and maybe Kyle) looked. I was sad to realize how old Kim looked. But you're 100% right, it's from sun damage.
When I see girls I went to high school with (I am 45), I am so often just shocked at their skin, especially decoletage (sp?), necks and of course faces. We all laid out in the sun like it was our job in the 80's :) So it didn't surprised me too much. I have heard horror stories about chemical peels, the only thing supposed to help that, but yow, no thanks.
The thing that saved me, and it was luck really, I had a mom who did not, like many Southern ladies, leave the house without a full face of makeup. I used to go ski for Spring Break and get laughed at for skiing with makeup on (teenage girls, so sweet to each other) but at the end of the day, they were all literally crying and putting cold spoons (no clue, I was too nice to ask) on their faces, totally wind burned and sunburned, and I was just fine!
So yeah, I bet a Hollywood kid back then was always tan. Not worth it now.