Can trolls stop?

Trolls can cut it out now.

1. She didn't die of a suicide. It has been stated it was a stroke.

2. Stop telling people they shouldn't be upset over a person they didn't know dying. If anything it's pathetic you're harassing people you don't even know over something that wont effect you. People being said isn't going to effect you. They're doing nothing to you. They're people you don't know, so take your own advice and shut up.

3. Yes people die but it's always sad. Especially when they're people who've had such a great impact in the entertainment industry.

You don't have to grieve, but other people are sad. So shut up and let them be sad.


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It's really terrible how two amazing entertainers who left so many people with wonderful memories, end up leaving the world, with two less wonderful people in it...

And these true Devil's Poop Stains, continue to live on, and continue to hate and stomp on so many fan's mourning hearts.

Why couldn't it have been the other way around?

R.I.P. Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds. You two precious angels will be truly missed.


I don`t give a rats ass about the fans

I care about the family and friends they have my deepest sympathy because they deserve sympathy.

Fans do not deserve sympathy they should just get over themselves.

Don`t get me wrong i like both Deebie Reynolds and Carrie Fischer i have enjoyed their work for years.

And yes of course wishing that somebody is dead because they have a different view than you. Shows us all what a great person you are.

My main problem is not really that you grieve over the death of celebrities. Its how people act as if its the end of the world. And keep going on and on about how terrible 2016 has been because famous people have died. Ignoring the fact that it has always been like this and 2016 is no worse when it comes to deaths of celebrities than any other year.

But i don`t care if you as a fan are in morning. Your feelings means nothing to me

I care and have sympathy for the actual family and friends of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fischer. Your and the rest of the feelings of her fans means nothing to me.

If i am a troll for caring more about the feelings of the family and friends of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fischer than their fans well than i guess i am a troll.

this will be my last reply on the matter.

And folks say there is nothing left to cheer about in 2016!

“Not to be hyperbolic, but humans are a decade away from fighting apes on horseback.”Mod.Fam.


Don`t get me wrong i like both Deebie Reynolds and Carrie Fischer i have enjoyed their work for years.You like them so much, you spelled both of their names wrong.


Trolls can cut it out now. Why refer to them as trolls as if they're here to tear the message boards apart or defame innocent people? Please be mindful of what an actual online troll is and how it operates. Either way, just don't pay attention to them, or if you'd prefer, educate them on a one-on-one basis. If they're a actual trolls, they won't hesitate to start engaging in personal attacks.

She didn't die of a suicide. It has been stated it was a stroke. Was she on a statin? Did she forget to take them? If so, then why? I had an aunt do something similar, before she died.
