I must point out that mercury has not been present in vaccines for a number of years, yet autism rates continued to climb, contrary to the claims of the anti-vaccination activists. And yet they still claim that vaccines cause autism.
There ARE risks involved with vaccination; no responsible doctor will deny that. But the risk is slim and the benefits far, far, far outweigh the risks. But autism is not one of the risks (we're talking things like allergic reactions and the like). Any given child is hundreds of times more likely to be hurt or killed in an auto accident, or a household accident, or drown while swimming, or be a victim of crime or violence, than they are of being in danger from a vaccination. I heard recently that the number of people injured every year by vaccines is roughly equal to the number of people who are injured every year by stampeding cattle.
It's pretty much accepted that the first major symptoms of autism typically show up at around two years of age, which is also the usual age when children receive their round of vaccinations. Parents who claim their children suddenly showed signs of autism after receiving vaccinations have no real assurance that the vaccinations actually CAUSED their child's autism, and there's no guarantee that the child would not have developed those signs if they hadn't been vaccinated.
Truthfully, all they can say is their child's autism showed up after they were vaccinated...BUT...so far nobody's ever been able to actually PROVE that the vaccines CAUSED the autism, and that it simply wasn't a coincidence. It's called "post hoc ergo propter hoc," a common logical fallacy in which thing A happens, then thing B happens, so people assume thing A was the cause of thing B, but it's not necessarily so.
In fact, over a dozen recent studies have found no connection between vaccines and autism, and suggest that autism is genetic. And studies of people's home videos have found that infants were showing the early signs of autism long before vaccinations supposedly "caused" their autism, and that their parents didn't recognize them or didn't notice. However, the antivaxers usually deny the new research or claim it's tainted by "big pharma and the CDC" and it's all a conspiracy and what have you. Sometimes they border on the deranged.
Unfortunately, it's common for parents of autistic children to wonder constantly, "Why?", and the vaccine thing gives them an easy scapegoat. And letting go of that easy answer is difficult for a lot of people. But people are dying because children are going unvaccinated. March 9 will be the one-year anniversary of the death of Dana McAffery, an Australian infant who caught pertussis from an unvaccinated child, and died. And there have been deaths from other outbreaks of pertussis and measles and other diseases that are normally vaccinated against. There was an outbreak of measles caused by unvaccinated children, and some of the victims recovered but also have a related form of meningitis that is untreatable and will kill them. And some of these diseases that aren't much to children can have serious complications for adults. Here in the US, there are very real fears of major diseases like diphtheria and polio making a comeback, thanks to stupid paranoid nutcases who don't vaccinate their children.
And yes, I think they're stupid paranoid nutcases. The conspiracy theories shouted by the antivaxers are amazing, and what it really boils down to is that they hate science and believe it to always be wrong, and any "alternative" treatment, no matter how woo-woo or stupid it may be, is the truth. And they are also typically very callous and uncaring about the lives lost because they're not vaccinating their kids. During the brouhaha in Australia over the death of Dana McAffery, an antivaxer was heard to sniff during a televised debate, "It was only one child!" They didn't care about the McAffery's grief or that someone died because of their teachings. And from what I've seen, that's typical of the anti-vaccination movement. It's all about them and their children, and they don't care how many die because of that.
"Value your education. It's something nobody can ever take away from you." My mom.