Mark Wahlberg but with better acting ability and line delivery.
I like Wahlberg. In Many films he has been a good pick.
Guy Pearce though could have played all the same roles the same way, but with a wittier and faster line delivery.
Guy Pearce is the actor you want in a dialogue driven film, something like a Tarantino film. Can you hear Mark Wahlberg whining in one of those in his soft spoken manner?
Guy Pearce delivers lines in a way which conveys that the character he is speaking to is insignificant, that he is laughing at the character. Give Guy Pearce a script with snappy dialogue which requires precision timing and he will pull it of with ease, while giving top notch acting.
Gary Busey = Poor mans Nick Nolte.
Mark Wahlberg = Poor mans Guy Pearce.
Guy Pearce rocks.