MovieChat Forums > Rick Moranis Discussion > Who the hell did his personal quotes?

Who the hell did his personal quotes?

I just read his bio as I'm an admirer of the stuff he was in that was a part of my childhood, but as a Brit I feel a little peeved because about 7 or 8 of his 9 or 10 quotes seem to be either bashing the British for being a part of Canada's history or being bitter about being Canadian because of it.

He is either a very angry person who is nothing like I imagined or someone has decided to take every one of his quotes from the same article which was likely an interview about Canada. I'm assuming it's obviously the latter so he should find the person who did his bio and beat them with a moose shoulder.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!


The number of his personal quotes currently stands at 3 although it looks like eight. The first of these seems to be a short article he wrote about Canada, which someone has posted, broken up into six paragraphs, which I didn't realise IMDb would let you do. I don't know if the tone is bitter and angry, or just joking about the fact Canada is still technically the property of the crown and that Canadians have a reputation for being mild-mannered. Canadians seem to do both of these a lot:
