A great performance in 'Ordinary People'
I have always been so moved by her performance in "Ordinary People". Beth reminds me of my own mother so much - capable of being friendly and loving to most people, but just under the surface a very cold, demanding, emotionally challenged woman.
A few scenes that I think are amazing:
-The picture-taking scene with Conrad and Calvin at her parents house. She's so uncomfortable being in a photo alone with Conrad. Then after Conrad blows up she acts like nothing has happened. That scene was like a typical "Kodak Moment" commercial gone horribly wrong.
-The scene in the back yard with Conrad. Beth is trying to connect with Conrad, actually making an effort, but when he starts talking about Buck she immediately shuts down. Then Conrad starts barking, trying to get a response from her, but she once again brushes his behavior off without commenting on it.
-The big Christmas tree blow up is startling. The back-and-forth between Beth and Conrad seems so spontaneous and realistic, with Calvin literally caught in the middle. Of course Beth knows exactly what to say to finally make Conrad shut up, "Buck would've never been in the hospital!"
-Then there's the golf course argument with Calvin. I love the way it starts with some affectionate banter between Cal and Beth and slowly develops into a huge shouting match. Once again Beth gets the last word, ridiculing her brother for pretending to tell her how to be happy.
Mary Tyler Moore's performance is one of my all-time favorite performances in any movie, and while I like Sissy Spacek in "Coal Miner's Daughter" I think MTM really deserved the Oscar that year.
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"Girls, booze, and gambling - One you can handle, two are trouble, three you're dead."