Yes, bongjuan, (BTW, cool screen name!) their queer relationship has been questionably "Taboo" since the intro of Gillian, once we found out she was his Mother, and not the other woman.
I'm no expert on psychological and/or sexual disorders, and had looked up Oedipal a while back, finding it to be the closest explanation in describing this Mother/Son freaky thang they seem to have going. She proudly blurted out the whole "kissing of the winky" wOw-er, and from what I've read on the subject of Oedipal, that certain description seems to imply it's more of the Son's issue (or attraction) than the Mother's. So, I guess what I'm asking, is.. Would this sub-plot be better described as Incest? I mean, depending on if it ever comes to light that they have, or will have consensual sexual contact.
I also wonder how many people would honestly admit that they are rooting for the Mother/Son hook-up to happen,(or to have already happened) simply because a lot of people get off on The Taboo, not because they're into it themselves, but because most people really are voyeurs deep down. I admit I find it sort of repulsively tantalizing, but would never, ever be able to view Jimmy's character the same again. Unless, of course, it's revealed that it happened to Jimmy while he was an innocent. Gillian's already a sexual deviant, IMO, so if she mo'd her son, it wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I might as well enjoy my life and watch the stars play.