MovieChat Forums > Gretchen Mol Discussion > What makes Gretch so unique + compelling...

What makes Gretch so unique + compelling to you,compared to other actors

Apart from her extremely beautiful looks and figure, what makes Gretchen as an actor and person, so unique and compelling to you, compared to other (similarly aged, younger or older) female actors ?


That's a good question, something I've thought about a few times. I think there's a certain level of decency that comes through in her that I don't see in many other actresses. As a result of that she seems more approachable than most. She's also very feminine and is never less than a lady, no matter what role she plays. She's not the most physically beautiful actress to me, but she IS one of the, if not THE, most attractive actresses. Attractiveness encompasses far more than just physical beauty, afterall. I've watched her in some movies and thought, "She's not that great-looking so why do I find her so HOT?" I admit it, I'm smitten. She conveys intelligence and sensitivity, too, which always rank near the top of my list of most desirable qualities.

I'll be curious how she fares as Bettie Page. So far I've only heard good things about her performance. I'd like to see her appear as the lead in more movies in the future. Maybe this movie will be the start of bigger things for her. One can hope.

Movie recommendations: "Rounders" (alas, her role is all too limited, but her realistic portrayal of "the girlfriend" is still worth a look), "Attraction", and "The Shape of Things". In these roles you can see that she's not one of the larger-than-life stars, but, rather, the kind of girl that a lot of guys could like, as well as love (or lust after).


I think she could be another Charlize Theron! I love this woman. I only wish that more ladies could look like this!


I saw her for the first time the other night on "The Late Show with David Letterman".

I was very impressed.

As was said by another poster on this thread, she has a special quality, that's very compelling. On one hand, she isn't beautiful in a model-perfect kind of way (perfect features and bone structure), but still there's an enchanting quality to her natural beauty. It's hard to not look at her. Plus, she exhibits a reserved effervesence (I know it's an apparent contradiciton in terms) that seems imposible, but true.

One gets the feeling that she's a free spirit, under the right circumstances, and that it wouldn't be hard to create those circumstances.

She doesn't seem to flaunt her body, in spite of the fact that it's quite beautiful. And in an age where this is unusual, it becomes something of an enigma (and hence- grabs one's attention on some level).

On top of all that- she's very charming, soft, and enchanting- she just draws you into her.

I'm left with the feeling of wanting more.

"There is no such thing as coincidence, just the illusion of coincidence."


it's all in the eyes!

"He's not Judge Judy and executioner!"
