MovieChat Forums > Shelley Long Discussion > If Shelley were a MAN...

If Shelley were a MAN...

She would still be working regularly in film and television. So she tends to play prim-and-proper characters. Male actors get away with playing the same type of character all the time. (Even Oscar winner Jack Nicholson falls back on his typical persona time and time again.)

I don't think it's fair to hold Shelley to such high standards when Adam Sandler gets to make a career playing patented not-quite-grown-up-lovable-schlubs.

Respect Shelley!

The Nimble, Limber One.


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Jack Nicholson is a classic actor who will go down in history and is still in films because of his legacy

Adam Sandler is a goofball and is still making films because people like to go out and laugh at Jerry Lewis type fools

Shelley Long is a good actress and to compare her to them is really stupid because there is no connection at all



I think your right, Shelley Long is a very talented actress, particularly in light comedy. If she were younger, you would probably see more of her, but unless your a very big name in Hollywood, say Sigourney Weaver, (no offence to Sigourney ,she's cool),then as an a older(over 40)actress, you will be generally overlooked.
Some more mature actresses ,who have not being enjoying as higher profile as some of their peers,do pick up roles later in their career ,which bring them back to prominance, such as Virginia Madsen ,who was excellent in SIDEWAYS.
But the whole situation viewed from a stand point of "why the hell is Paris Hilton even working, when we hear so little from more talented people i.e Shelley Long", can leave you somewhat perplexed.
