MovieChat Forums > Shelley Long Discussion > August 23rd @ 7:15am

August 23rd @ 7:15am

haha Well ironically I was born on August 23rd, 1980 at the exact same time... Or as my mom use to say "Just in time for saturday morning cartoons!" Which if you know me is pretty accurate. haha Anyway I have always liked Shelley Long and I remember Cheers when I was a kid. Although my favorite movie was The Money Pit with her and Tom Hanks. They made a great team in that movie. Shelley rocks! haha ;) I hope she reads these posts.



You should have been born in '79 instead, then you'd have been born on her 30th birthday! Do you think its too late to change that?


yeh well i was born august 23rd 1985... 2:00 am.
lets have a party.

