Why aren't there more posts about how hot Robin is? I know she's not a supermodel type and Teen Witch was 390 years ago, but there's just something about her; hotness oozes from beneath the surface, and she doesn't have to try very hard. She just has to be Robin.
I mean did you see her on Criminal Minds a few years ago? She was insanely hot on that episode, she was only in a shirt for most of the episode, so we saw her best feature ( legs!)
Sorry for the rant, but I just saw her in Ouija over the weekend and it reminded me of how hot she is! So get going guys! I want to hear some stuff!


Sorry meant 30 years ago!


Also I spelled her name wrong, typing too fast!


Top that.


A few years ago, I worked a customer service job and Robyn Lively Johnson sent an email to complain about a product. I assumed it was Robyn "Teen Witch" Lively because her married name would be Johnson since she is married to actor Bart Johnson. This woman also happened to live in California. I sent an email response reaching out to her as we did with our consumers, but she never did respond back. It would have been nice to hear back from her, even if it was only concerning the product.

"If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story."-Orson Welles


That's awesome except for the reason for the email.


She is still beautiful but look at this photo from her IMDB gallery dated in 2000:

My God, just flawless, perfect.


Supersonic idiotic disconnected not respected who would ever really want to go and top that.
