MovieChat Forums > John Lithgow Discussion > How many times has he played a bad guy?

How many times has he played a bad guy?

I remember hearing ages ago that he played a bad guy in a movie and was really good in it, but I forgot what it was. I only ask cos I just saw him in Dexter and he was so awesome as a bad guy. Really disturbing character. So can someone tell me the other times where he has played a bad guy?




He was the bad guy in a Denzel Washington movie.. (Can't figure the name) he was great in it! Also he did a movie where he has a evil twin so he plays the good guy and bad guy.. In my opinion one of the best bad guys I've seen. It's a shame he dosnt get more of them.


Ricochet & Raising Cain


Richocet was a great 90ss movie. Lithgow played that part biblical Earl tabot blake


Shrek and Santa Claus: The Movie. Those are the only two I can think of.


For a more comedic portrayal, there's The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, which is very much along the same lines as his performance in Santa Clause: the Movie, and every bit as funny and OTT.

Although, since you were very impressed with his portrayal in Dexter, then I'd recommend Blow Out if you wanna see him playing another psychotic character

"Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness."


Dr Lizardo!


Ricochet...and raising Cain are the film's.


also a little known film from the 90's called "hollow point" where he was a bad guy who thought was like Jesus or something lol.


Blow Out
Santa Claus: The Movie
Raising Cain




He's just a really great actor. We saw him a few years when the Pittsburgh Symphony did a special Halloween program imagining what Mozart's funeral would have been like. Interspersed with Mozart's Requiem and other compositions, John Lithgow read letters from Mozart to his father and other readings from the time about him. We got tickets at the last minute and were seated in the front row, about 10 ft in front of Lithgow (so close we could see spittle flying from his mouth illuminated by the stage lights, lol). His reading was absolutely thrilling and chilling.
