His Potential
Given his talents in acting and singing and his looks, he should have been a bigger star!
He needs a good PR team, and to focus on correcting his public image.
It's really upsetting to see great artists waste their potential like that.
Actors like Ryan Reynolds, the rock and cruise play the same character in every movie, rarely even changing their looks, that's how lazy they are as actors! and yet their lack of skill rarely gets called out cause of how good they come across as people and their public persona.
Also actors like Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Gosling aren't bankable stars and their movies often under preform and yet they don't get called out for being a liability to the projects they
get involved in and they keep getting hired, yet with whatever Leto does he's often unjustly critiqued, critics never give him the same passes like they do with the aforementioned actors.
He needs to pick good directors to work with, his TV return was excellent and was a great way to show off his acting skills in contrast to being in a movies for 5/10 minutes, and maybe borrow a page of the bock of The rock or Reynolds on how to be a beloved public figure.