MovieChat Forums > Jared Leto Discussion > Top five joker portrayal

Top five joker portrayal

1:-Jared Leto
2:-Troy baker
3:-Cesar Romero
4:- Mark hamill
5:-Jack Nicholson


1 Hamill
2 Ledger
3 Nicholson
4 Romero
5 Emerson
6 Monaghan
7 Galifianakis
8 Matthew Modine as Private Joker
9 Bill Cullen (host of the Jokers wild)
10 Snoop Dogg (host of the new Jokers Wild)
11 Everyone else who ever wore white makeup
12 Leto


* Steve Miller has got to be Top 10.


Absolutely, but I didn't want anyone to think I was commenting on that ghoul who works for Trump.


Leto >>> Ledger with all due to respect to heath


Why do you think Leto is better than Ledger ? because its DCEU ?


leto is comic accurate joker huh take it fake dc fans


whats that got to do with him being a good or bad joker?? Ledgers joker was by far better


lol this is a classic trolling attempt but the big problem with it is there has to be at least a SLIVER of reality to it

for example....listing LETO as Number 1 is what takes them from an attempt at trolling to just a massive trolling failure...

the point of this trolling attempt was to troll on Ledger....

thats why you made this thread, you know Ledger is Universally considered the best Joker ever and the best CBM villain ever and making a thread titled "Top five joker portrayal" and NOT LISTING Ledgers Joker would be a classic trolling thread...

but the mistake you made was listing Letos Joker as one....Letos Jokers is so universally hated and literally considered one of the worst creative failure in CBM history....the reason you havent gotten much debate with this trolling thread is because By listing Leto basically announced yourself as the Ultimate troll that cant be taken seriously...

no one cares to bite on this failed trolling attempt because you Literally made this thread Laughable and Delusional by listing by far the worst Joker Portrayal as 1 and not listing the universally excepted Best Joker portrayal at all...

for example, this thread could have been made in a slightly clever way that would have gotten people to bite and still got your point across...

had you just made this exact thread but put Jack Nicholson at 1 and then still Left Ledgers Joker completely off(as that was the point of the thread) would have gotten people to bite and the reason why is, Nicholson's Joker is also a great Portrayal...some like it more than Ledgers....people would have bitten because they wouldnt have instantly seen you as a delusional would have gotten many replies saying "Nicholson was Great, but come on why isnt Ledgers Joker even on your list"?

instead you slit your own throat by listing Leto's Joker as one could take you or this thread seriously after seeing that...

sometimes you got to reverse troll to troll...I get it, Your a DCEU fan, you may love Letos Joker(probably not though, you probably know its god awful and are just listing in out of spite), You may hate Ledgers Joker...

but the overall point of you making this failed trolling thread was to Hate on do that you had to "sacrifice" Leto's Joker....

you simply couldnt list a performance as awful as Leto's Joker and as Hated as Leto's Joker and be taken seriously....

lol you do realize Leto's Joker was so awful The director intentionally cut him almost entirely out of the wasnt a story or script problem, Leto's take and performance was so bad they literally cut 75% of his scenes out and then the ones that remained were edited to show as little as possible....

lol like its Literally a fact the 4 biggest Creative Failures in CBM history are...

Leto's Joker
casting Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and then the absurd Script and character the writers wrote capped off by Jesse's awful performance
Shane Black's Mandrain Twist
and then we get the MOTHER of all Fuck ups(pun intended).....we Get "Martha".....literally we get Batman and Superman fighting to the death, and we get "wait our moms have the same name, lets be friends, fights over, lets team up"

lol In 50 years from right now..."Martha" will still be the single most Mocked and brutally made fun of creative failure in MOVIE HISTORY...well that is if hell freezes over and Zack Snyder somehow makes another DCEU I wouldnt put anything past Snyder, the depths of his failures with DCEU films truly may be limitless....if theres 1 man who could do the impossible and top "Martha"...its Snyder....



to the overall question....I've only seen Ledgers and Jacks Joker....

I rate Ledger solidly above Jack....

Ledgers Joker for me is the best villain in any CBM ever, but for me personally that may change after Avengers 4...

I was blown away by Brolins THanos in IW....right now I got Brolins Thanos as the clear 2nd best CBM villain ever behind Ledgers Joker....but if Avengers 4 is as great as AIW and IF Brolins Thanos becomes an even better villain by the events in A4....I may put Thanos as my new #1, just depends on how the story unfolds and if anything is added to the character, because I know right now Brolin is gonna kill it and the CGI Mo cap is gonna be great...if the story and Thanos's overall ark comes full circle or gets even better, He may be my new #1...

as far as other great DC villains...

I loved Tom Hardy's Bane
The Penguin
Jacks Joker
I like Carreys Riddler somewhat
and by far the single great villain in the history of Movies was Steppenwolf.............lololololololol.lololololololol

I mean that TOP NOTCH CGI....that well thought out and deep character ark and motives.....Steppenwolf......Literally the villain DC fans Deserved, A complete JOKE, so awful that director even LIKED as tweet saying Steppenwolf is the worst villain awful the director even liked a tweet saying Steppenwolf was the worst villain ever
