The Custody Issue
If no cause was found to render Brad Pitt an unfit father then I hope they can both share custody. But this detracts from the reported state of affairs regarding Maddox and Brad himself. Lest we forget, Maddox was with Angelina first and the pair are closely bonded. A photograph can tell a thousand stories and I saw some amateur images of Angelina and Brad exasperated during a trip out with the kids. It was clear even to the untrained eye that Angelina was exhausted and clearly trying (but failing), to get her point across. It was all very telling even though we can't determine what the exchange was between them.
I don't know what is wrong with modern "humanity" but it seems that the nuclear family is becoming a rarity as opposed to the norm and this saddens me greatly. Perhaps I was fortunate to grow up in said nuclear family with two loving parents who loved each other very much! The older I become the more I realise just how fortunate I really was/am. I hear such horror stories of drunken fathers beating on their wives and kids. Shocking.
If Brad was a hapless substance abuser then I get that Angelina wants to protect her children. But maybe this really was the wake-up call he needed. He seems now to have improved his lifestyle but I doubt this pleases Angie. It seems as though she might want him to be less well and less popular in order to justify her custody desires. I do hope this is not the case because believe me when I say that I AM a fan and want to think the best of her
"These days you have to boil someone before you can sleep with them"