MovieChat Forums > Jenna Jameson Discussion > The $42,000 WebCam Show

The $42,000 WebCam Show


Forty thousand dollars can buy you a house in some parts of the country. But an Australian man recently plunked down even more in an auction for a private one-hour webcam session with dominatrix Maitresse Madeline. The adult website says it’s the highest amount ever paid for a webcam show, which enables a performer and viewer to interact virtually. As Kink’s publicist told me, this is porn for the 1 percent.

By the third day of the auction, bids passed $10K. The second-to-last bid was for $30,000 — but the winner apparently thought nothing of upping it by $12K. “As an hourly rate,” says the press release, “$42,000 puts Madeline in league with pop stars like Lady Gaga and Oprah.” Madeline told Kink’s BDSM blog, Kinky, ”People are paying for something they don’t get in their normal life, whether that’s a fetish that they are afraid to live out in real life or maybe their partner won’t give them what they desire and they look to cams to fulfill that missing part of their sexuality,” she said. “People want to remain anonymous and they pay for anonymity.”

This auction was a test case for a new way of marketing and profiting off of adult content. Maitresse Madeline plans on holding interactive auctions in the future, “featuring everything from webcam shows to pantyhose auctions and chastity keyholding services,” according to Kink.

Peter Acworth, the company’s founder and CEO, says that live and interactive porn is a growth area. “Customers’ connections to the Internet are improving and many want a closer connection to the performer,” he tells me. “One-to-one shows are very expensive, but some are willing to pay surprisingly large sums of money to get exactly what they want.” For those who can’t afford a one-on-one show, webcam portals offer customizable broadcasts to a chat room full of viewers. Kink also broadcasts many of its porn shoots, meaning viewers can pay to watch their porn sausage being made, or simply buy the end product.

None of this is to say that Kink is giving up on recorded content. “While it’s becoming progressively more challenging, we are building a new content distribution platform that will give personalized recommendations, like Netflix does,” says Acworth. “We think this service will be worth paying for even when there is so much free content available.”

At least for the 99 percent, the future of porn probably won’t be five-figure webcam shows. But the industry is banking on technology — the very thing that undid it — as its savior.


Does kink produce anything but publicity stunts these days? And salon.cum buys that nonsense.

I am very disappointed with the devolution of kink. Started out like a decent project but they are so politically correct that it makes their porn lame.

I guess faux news is a cheaper way to advertise these days rather than paying your way through scam lawsuits ...


an idiot and his money are easily parted...


So I guess that 8 bucks I plopped down to watch Amy Fisher, yes THAT Amy Fisher, do a 10 minute Gold Show on Streamate wasn't that bad??


"Look at them big old lips!!" - Pumpkin from "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"


Did Amy at least do on the webcam what the last name of her ex lover so uncannily suggest ?


Ha ha ha, I think she always does solo shows, but I believe there was some toying involved.

It's just weird seeing a former infamous tabloid personality stuffing dildos in her hoo ha and talking weird to the camera...but whatever...

"Look at them big old lips!!" - Pumpkin from "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"


> It's just weird seeing a former infamous tabloid personality stuffing dildos in her hoo ha and talking weird to the camera...but whatever...

While funny, you have to admit that she as A LOT weirder when she was young!


Based on the way the conversation is going, I have to ask: what is the weirdest porn you've ever seen? I don't ever care if you paid for it or not, just share the freaky details!!!


> what is the weirdest porn you've ever seen?

Panda porn aside?

Weird in the sense that I do not understand why anyone would make the effort and why there are customers for it.
So the biggest effort for a nonexistent market must be the "celebrity look alike tranny" series. The length they must have gone for model choosing, makeup, and angle must be enervating. And then who wants to see their favourite Britney Spears as a tranny? The markets are incompatible.

As for fun bizarre stuff - one featured 4 Japanese girls. One was shooting strawberries and other small fruit out of her anus and the other three tried to catch it with their mouths. Another one was two (also Japanese) girls whose colons were connected with a long acrylic tube and they were shooting ping pong balls back and forth. Here I can at least appreciate the cutie-appeal.
