MovieChat Forums > Jenna Jameson Discussion > Okay, a question about men dating porn s...

Okay, a question about men dating porn stars...

I just finished reading Ms. Jameson's 2004 memoir and near the end, her boyfriend "Jay" COMPLETELY FLIPS OUT when she agrees to fulfill her contract to Wicked and make the film Dreamquest (2000), in which she'll do a boy/girl scene with another performer.

How does it make sense that a guy will meet and date (and even know about) a female porn star through her films, then be AGHAST that she will have sex with other men in her line of work??? I can understand this reaction if one's partner were to introduce this into an established "civilian" relationship....but one that's with an already established sex worker?

That's just....bizarre.

(Jay eventually gets over it, then embraces becoming Jameson's business partner and helps to produce her website and films, so I guess it's all a happy ending, of sorts) (!)

But what a whack job!



Jay was a fxggot


You're trying to analyze rationally a completely emotional reaction that's why it doesn't make any sense. Who knows what might be going through his mind. Maybe he believes that she must sacrifice that part of her life while being with him.


jenna Haze said that hse dated a crew member but felt uncomfortable sleeping with guys in front of him, so she switched to girls only, which apparently also cost her numerous fans.


They can speak?


Another question would be why wold anyone days a porn star? Have sex with them maybe?


i would rather date a dirty hot whore than some fatty mcbumbalattie that never been fucked


porn stars are working sex dolls.

Her ex BF/Husband Tito Ortiz has brain damage so that is probably the reason he "fell in love" with a cum catching whore.


I would never date a stripper or pornstar. They are super damaged.


You have zero risk of that.


And you know this how?




I wouldn't think all strippers are damaged, there are quite a few that simply need money and its an easy way for some women that have no marketable skills to make more money than they could any other way. In that instance they aren't damaged they are simply making a logical choice.

Porn stars are probably filled with most clueless women. Some think it will help them become actual movie stars, others are simply chasing money and don't realize the consequences of what they are doing to themselves mentally until it is too late. And some are just young and dumb like the thousands of stupid girls that send nude videos and photos to boyfriends without realizing that what they are doing will haunt them for the rest of their life.

I would suspect hookers are more likely to be damaged than strippers or porn stars.


A LOT of strippers either are or "graduate" to being hookers. It takes a special mindset to be a stripper and oftentimes that mindset makes it very difficult for them to have meaningful relationships. Not to mention, it takes a different mindset for men to want to date strippers, which often times results in the women being treated badly which further lowers their self esteem. Lot's of potential for "damage" and that's excluding the potential of drug addiction/alcoholism, bad decision making and the generally shady lifestyle. Are there "normal" strippers? Probably but they're the minority.


Once a stripper graduates to hooker, I don't consider them to be strippers anymore just hookers. And I agree that strippers very often go beyond being a stripper and often get hooked on drugs along the way... I simply don't think that their being damaged to start with is a prerequisite to being a stripper. I think a lot of strippers start out normal, but get damaged after they become strippers. I would expect that if you looked at strippers that were stripping less than a year you would find some relatively normal women... but as the time they spent stripping went up the probability of them being fucked up would start to increase exponentially. There are several strip clubs near colleges where the strippers are basically just desperate coeds trying to pay tuition, I'm betting a lot of them stop after they finish college and walk away relatively undamaged... but the ones that see no way out are really going to end up as hookers and total fucked up.


Yes indeed.
