this is the worst thing a person can do. he's going to be dead in 10 years or less and just 3 years ago he gets a 31 year old girl pregnant? this is beyond disgusting this is immoral. she's going to live from 13 on knowing she doesn't have a father.
lol. now that's funny. talk about irresponsible parenting on his part. this is the ultimate irresponsible parenting. you can rock all you want in your career but this is unforgivable.
yeah i mean doing this willingly and uncaringly is so wrong. it's weird how his sperm was able to get her pregnant? how is that possible? you would think sperm runs out of it's ability to get a girl pregnant by 70 years old, right?
Maybe she's claiming Mick is the father and his over-bloated ego won't let him accept it is an impossibility. I mean ED drugs probably got him up , but as you said...
don't encourage idiots by adding to their idiotic posts though ok? that' despicable and the worst behavior getting a girl pregnant at 70 or older, it shows a complete disregard for a person's life, actually 2 person's lives.
yes it is, until 40 you are a girl, case in point this ballerina girl. what girl with any intelligence would get into a relationship or have sex with a man 70 or older or 60 or older?
Dont you mean she's the worst?
All that stuff in your OP should apply to the mother not the father , well maybe the father a bit , but the mother more.
she's the one clearly prostituting herself to a man she has no attraction to just because he's rich.
and presumably deliberatley getting pregnant to cement that deal , thereby ensuring the kids father is a dead rich guy.
you mean cementing that the kid is a rich kid. yeah can you imagine how disgusting it is to wake up and see old man balls in the morning? i mean this would be disgusting to have to look at when you are only 30 something years old. it would be like working in a nursing home for people who can't go to the restroom normally. she's his caretaker! yeah, except in her case it's worse than being a prostitute because she wasn't in dire need of money probably which is the reason most girls get into prostitution.
i think he was more to blame though because even if she was a gold digger i think it's more taking advantage on his part of her than her of him in the sexual category than the money category. i mean money is just money but having to have sex with a man 40 years older than you must be unendurable and really disgusting, like having sex with your grandpa.
Why do people care? His kid will be filthy stinking rich for the rest of its life. It's wrong for poor people to be having kids at any age and making those kids suffer.
Yeah, I hate when people get this judgmental about famous people, especially when they don't know the details or won't even post them to sustain their claims... SMH