so sweet

Anthony seems like such a sweet, kind, down to earth person:)In all the interviews i've seen hes so nice to everyone! i wish him well in his career and personal life.


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I saw Michael twice last year, and he is definitely as sweet as he seems :)


Just got done posting the same thing to another thread. I met him last summer, and he is truly the sweetest guy. Really made my day to meet him and find out what a genuine person he is. I'm an even bigger fan after meeting him.


I saw him twice last year. He is very sweet, kind, and caring. Really does enjoy hanging out with fans.


I sat with Michael, as he likes to be called, at a wedding several years ago, and got to hang out with him for most of the evening. He was a very nice, genuine guy and a pleasure to meet after growing up with his films in the 80s.


Well, he wasn't sweet when Kim Russo asked him some personal and probing questions on this past episode of "The Haunting of..." Then out came the claws!

Apparently, he has unresolved issues that he hasn't learned to deal with or put in the past. I was disappointed in his actions, and he seemed the type that would have handled that in a more tactful manner than trying to attack her credibility and intentions, when all along he complimented them. He said to her, "I'm sorry that you were offended." That's the immature way of trying to avoid, "I'm sorry that I offended you."

I hope that he comes to terms with his issues and stops beating himself over the head -- and others. I think behind all this was a man who felt insecure, shamed and punished. The only time I saw someone respond the way he did when he attacked Kim Russo's credibility, was when I confronted a narcissistic friend who turned the tables and tried to intimidate and blame me, rather than come to terms and take responsibility for his actions. Hall doesn't seem the narcissistic type.


I was disappointed in his behavior too. She obviously touched a nerve and if it wasn't true he wouldn't have reacted so badly. Very unprofessional. I would be embarrassed if I were him.
