MovieChat Forums > Seth Green Discussion > Seth's Joker is the best character in Ma...

Seth's Joker is the best character in Mass Effect 2! (spoiler)

Playing through Mass Effect 2 and I just did the section where you take Joker to the AI Core. I know alot of the coolness here is on account of the great job Bioware did with the game and stuff, but Seths voiceover really is the icing on the cake. It's without doubt the best sequence in a game full of awesome sequences and that's thanks to him making Joker genuine. You really don't want to see his frail bones get busted up.

"*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*"
"*beep* *beep*"
Pretty much swearing from the cockpit down to engineering :P I felt so bad for the poor guy.

And his line when he reaches the AI. Wicked!


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Yeah I really like the Joker character in Mass Effect 2. Yeah he's interaction with the A.I are funny. I am glad that they gave him more lines in this game.


Totally happy they gave him more lines. I hope they have at least some quests involving him in ME3! Loved the sequence with him in ME2 (no spoilers)... such an awesome job.


Do you think they'll actually cast him for Joker in Mass Effect movie?


Don't really care for game-to-movie movies cause they always end up sucking, but sure, if they're making one they should use him. It'd be silly if it was someone else. Get Seth to grow a neckbeard, dye it brown and you're good to go.

I can't picture anyone else playing the character. Knowing Hollywood though, they'll mess it up and use Ben Affleck or something.

I'm much more excited to see what they'll do with the character for Mass Effect 3. Hopefully they'll hand Joker some sort of exo-skeleton-suit so you can bring him along in your squad.


I hopes that they will make a game to movie conversion higher then a meh rateing. The ones that we see now i blame the directers. If the company wernt such an ass hole over the halo movie, halo the movie would of been the first game to movie conversion higher then a meh rating but then again we wouldn't have the awesome District 9 movie if halo the movie was created. For a mass effect movie im glad Bioware is waiting on the offer. The world isnt ready for a mass effect movie. Maybe 5 years from now maybe. How ever when it comes to mass effect if Seth green martin sheen and Brendon keener do not reprise there roles no doubt the movie will suck.


Joker in Mass Effect 1 is totally different than Mass Effect 2 though. The name Joker was given to him as a an ironic nickname because of how grim his outlook was because of his brittle bone disease. Then in Mass Effect 2 they made Joker funny.

His and Liara's character were changed the most Basically everything I liked about Liara, was her innocence, was taken from her and now she became hard and ruthless.
