36 years old?

Is it just me or did anyone else think he was still in his 20's, i thaught he was atleast 28 by now but 36 i never would have imagined. He hasn't aged much.


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ya he looks abit younger than his age,,, he looks like 30 with beard, 27 without


I don't see any wrinkles on his face.


It's been well over a year since I made this post and at 38, he still looks very young. It's insanity, there are actors like Jason Segel who is 32, and looks (in my opinion) way older than that, i'm not saying Jason Segel looks old or anything, just looks older than his actual age. Anyways going off topic here, he looks remarkabley younger than his age, which i'm sure Seth feels happy about!

"Stop looking at the walls, look out the window." ~ Karl Pilkington On Art


40 in month


being 5'3'' helps. its adorable that he grows a beard so he doesn't look like munchkin as much.
