MovieChat Forums > Tony Goldwyn Discussion > Dont you think he looks like Viggo?

Dont you think he looks like Viggo?

When I first saw the film (The Last Samurai)I thought that Viggo Mortensan was playing his part but alas I was wrong!!!
Dont you think that they could be brothers? Unless they are and I sound really stupid. Please tell me if they are brothers. But if they're not, dont you think that they are 'peas in a pod'?

Adrian: Why do you wanna fight?
Rocky: Because I can't sing or dance


No, they're not brothers. =)


YES! They DO look alike!!! ;)

Oh sugar, you just gone and done the dumbest thing in your whole life.


what! they look nothing alike. viggo is all hairy and tony is all not hairy.


"...dont you think that they are 'peas in a pod'?"

This isn't even close.

Goldwyn has classic Eastern "money" features, with the square jaw, casually curly hair and affable smile. Mortensen is more of a West Coaster and features that sometimes unfortunately suggest things vermine-like.

Something clever someone else wrote for a movie or TV show
