i wrote him

i know this seems kind of childish to go on a message board and complain or whatever, but i wrote him and he never wrote back. you know how people write fan mail and stuff, i wrote a letter basically praising him and he didnt respond as of six months ago. i still like him though, it just would be so cool if he wrote back

"i like old people, theyre crazy." -- carroll baker in baby doll (1957)


Are you the one they talk about on the dvd commentary?? In the commentary version with him and all the actors, they mention a woman who was talking about the movie on IMDB who wrote to them about disliking the movie. If that was you, then you're famous now!! :)


im not sure which movie youre talking about, but i dont think thats me theyre talking about because i only wrote a letter talking about how i think hes talented and how much i loved the movie "an american rhapsody".

"i like old people, theyre crazy." -- carroll baker in baby doll (1957)


Don't get alarmed
the guy must get sackfulls of mail to go through

Or your letter might have been lost In the post
Is your US postal service as crap as ours In the UK?


yeah kind of. when i was in high school, i used to order lots of catalog stuff, clothes and music and posters of like, nirvana or whatever band i was into at the time. this one time i ordered something that got lost in the post and wasnt delivered to me until literally a year and a half after i placed the order.

i didnt mean to come off as "crazy" or over dramatic about him not writing back. he probably didnt even recieve it and even if he did, its no big deal. its not like its required for him to write people back. it was funny to me that i even wrote him in the first place. i was just writing to find out about info on some of his lesser known movies, that i couldnt find anywhere and to let him know that i really loved seeing him as a good guy for a change in "an american rhapsody"

"i like old people, theyre crazy." -- carroll baker in baby doll (1957)
