The 4 Things SMG should be doing with her Acting career........
Since SMG career has slowed down to a complete stop and is only doing charity work, voice work and sitting around to see if CI gets picked up. Here's some things that could breath new life into her career.
!. Guest-Star on Scream Queens or AHS: A 4 part guest role where SMG can play on her Scream Queen status would bring more awareness back to her. My suggestion is SQ since it's more campy bitchy fun.
2. Blumhouse Horror Film: If SMG does a lead role in a small budget Blumhouse horror film, where it gets a wide release and makes a lot of money. It could jump start her film career again!
3. Netflix or HBO: Star in a Netflix or HBO show (Yes, I know she did a pilot 10 years ago for HBO), Network TV relies too much on ratings, so If SMG does something gritty and daring on Cable or Streaming, it's could get her great reviews and that Emmy she's so rightfully deserves.
4. Small roles and Bit parts: SMG needs to start doing smaller roles in major films, stuff that will build up her film career but doesn't solely relies on her to carry the film. Stuff like a bit part in a Marvel Film. Playing the wife, coworker, detective, mother, best friend, boss and girlfriend in major films and well known directors to build up a rapport.
I know SMG doesn't want to be working to faraway from her children, which is why I've suggest short term work that usually film around L.A. most Blumhouse films are filmed in L.A. and have very short/fast filming schedules. Bit-parts and smaller roles in films only require a few weeks of filming and not months. An HBO or Netflix show would only film for about 4 to 6 months out of the year.