Very toubled woman

I don't know much about her. I haven't read about her much or anything, but she seems like a very troubled woman. I did hear about some song she did with her father about incest, so I think that's a sure sign. She seems very depressed as well. No wonder her and Von Trier collaborate so much and get along so well.


This is disgusting, troll behavior.


Get over yourself and get a life!


I think all she did was a song that hinted or had references to Incest, doesn't mean they had an incest relationship, many films show incest but doesn't mean the actors/director are into it, it could be very metaphorical for example.

Either way, she is a very talented and brilliant woman.


So you are making judgment calls on someone you have no idea about. Seems about right for internet behavior.


Well, that whole family has always seemed kind of oversexed (besides the video with her father she also made the sexually graphic movie "The Cement Garden" with her British uncle Andrew Birkin), but a lot of that is no doubt just public posturing and controversy courting.

There's no reason to believe she was a real-life incest victim. She's happily married and very successful these days. Same with Von Triers. He talks about being paralyzed with depression, but he's a cagey guy who might just be playing around with all the gullible idiots out there.


I don't know much about her. I haven't read about her much or anything,

and yet you're here to judge her. you probably don't even know who her father was.


Intruiging op. I'm sure Charlotte has had problems in her life. Who hasn't? But to describe her as toubled? Hmmm, I'm not too sure what you mean.

Charlotte for Ever!


If you view everything with cynicism you're paralysed by your own limited analysis of people or events. Lars von Trier (not Triers) does not speak about suffering from bipolar illness for a joke or to court the media - he is not a flash-in-the-pan pop-star. He is not actually 'cagey', but more very aware of the media taking his words as THE TRUTH and demonising him. For example, the 'I am a Nazi' comment, which I am very sure was not a rehearsed piece of promotion for Melancholia, but rather an accidental blurt-out 'joke' which didn't go down very well. This sort of blurting out and uncontrolled behaviour is very much a symptom of a form of depressive illness - a manic depressive tendency.

About Charlotte Gainsbourg, only she knows the truth of her family background and anything that has happened to her and it is up to her whether she wants to confront that or talk about it in the media. Everything else is just rumours and gossip and may have substance, who knows? I think it is a myth to describe anyone as 'oversexed' individually as if someone is alone in their 'nympho' tendencies it probably wouldn't be of interest to anyone! But, in a family or larger context in a relationship and so on, these aspects of sexual tendencies become magnified.
