MovieChat Forums > Miguel Ferrer Discussion > Favourite quote of yours

Favourite quote of yours

I loved the stuff he did. He had such a great voice.

My favourite quote would have to be "War. It's fantastic" from Hot Shots Part Deux.


yup, my favorite line of his.



Aside from the aforementioned "War! It's fantastic!", his monologue from the "Auld Acquaintance" episode of Young Justice:

Fifty thousand years of life, and nothing ever troubled me as much as the founding of the Justice League, dedicated to maintaining society's calcified status quo. The League would protect mankind from disaster, crime, tragedy of any kind. Had you never heard of "the survival of the fittest"? In essence, you heroes sought to protect humanity from its own glorious evolution. As such, you forced my more enlightened colleagues and myself, to organize a response. We created or co-opted networks of operatives, placed key-individuals in key-positions, made certain we were on the cutting edge of all new technologies, genetic engineering, biochemical engineering, robotics, nano-robotics, even techno-sorcery. Not to mention every conceivable method of mind-control. Cold-heard science, a little misdirection, and now you, champions of stagnation, have become our agents of change, forcing the human race to evolve on a more advanced schedule, allowing the Earth to take its rightful place, at the center of the Cosmos.


He had so many great lines in Twin Peaks.
Special Agent Albert Rosenfield: [about Sheriff Truman] Aw, look. It's trying to think.
Classic :-)

Australia, Celebrating 25 Years of Electricity.
