MovieChat Forums > Adam Sandler Discussion > When was his last good or decent movie?

When was his last good or decent movie?

For me I would say "Reign over me" and "Click". He had a good run until then but after that his choices and movies took a turn for the worse.
What do you think was his last good/decent movie?


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Reign over me was his last good movie. Click was nothing but an excuse for him to make out with Kate Beckinsale

"We stayed up all night dry humping, it was awful, I think she gave me poison ivy."


Click. But honestly I did not mind Pixels. Some parts of it were dumb but overall I enjoyed watching it.

OH.......I also enjoyed the Hotel Transylvania movies.



Pixels wasn't too bad, it wasnt abysmal, like jack and jill or the do over, also funny people was quite good aswell, showed a side of him you dont normally get to see and breaks away from what you thought the ending would be. All time favourite will always be Little Nicky though.


I liked The Do Over, and Men, Women, & Children. Also, the Hotel Transylvania series.

Dude is seriously underrated.

This is just a Tribute.
