MovieChat Forums > Adam Sandler Discussion > I miss the 90s when the youth loved him.

I miss the 90s when the youth loved him.

He was an awesome lovable goofball big kid, and a hero to every 90s kid and teenager, pretty much from SNL/Billy Madison to Little Nicky, like 1994-2000. Even though he lost a little steam into the early and mid '00s he still made some decent movies and his original audience was still fairly young.

Now though, it's a totally new generation since his heyday (it is 20 years ago!) and he's 50 today, so it's understandable that things change and he couldn't do movies like that forever. It's still weird though, for people like me who vividly remember how cool he was back in the mid to late 90s.

The fact that he's become a middle aged dude who doesn't really appeal to today's audience (even if he still makes goofy movies, just kinda more age appropriate) makes ME feel old too.


Maybe the youth would like him more if his movies were good

They all SUCK now. He's not even trying. There are a lot of hilarious comedians 50+ years of age, don't tell me sandler can't be funny past 50

He's a hack who only cares about making the easy dollar. He used to be genuine but now it's all about $$$ and nothing else for sandler. When the good movies start coming in, people will love him again


You've got a point. There's plenty of comedic actors his age and way older who are still great. The only semi recent movie he did that I like is That's My Boy (2012) and even that doesn't hold a candle to his classics. Anything after Click or maybe Zohan is good for watching once but it's not anything memorable. Maybe the fact that he played the goofy big kid and got stereotyped for it makes it hard for him to break out of that.


Yes Adam Sandler films really packed out the cinemas back in the 90s and he was the king of the kids back then.
Everything has its season and yea i really miss the 90s (the movies were awesome too!)


He was most funny in movies during the 90s.


"Anything after Click or maybe Zohan is good for watching once but it's not anything memorable."

At this point I've already stopped caring for a while before that. I just find both... lame. Anger Management was pretty good though.


Honestly even though that he did make a few decent movies, in the big picture he's always been a hack. Of course I laughed to Happy Gilmore or Big Daddy, but is it really because they were awesome comedies? Entertaining, certainly. But they are still really simple. Sandler never did any really smart comedies (at least to my knownledge) and his genre get tiresome pretty fast to be honest. If he would have evoled, maybe he would have been intersting to follow. But not only are his movies always the same thing, they also suck more and more.
