I met him, briefly

It was so long ago and so UNremarkable I'm wary of saying it really happened. But it was at a record/CD/VHS store in Chicago in the happening part of the Near North Side. What WAS remarkable was that he looked exactly like he does on screen. He looked like I could I could break a 2x4 over his chest and he'd say "What did you do that for? Are you trying to make me angry?"
But he had tremendous charisma and talent on the big screen. I don't think he was meant to be a leading man. Bryan Brown was much more conventionally handsome in F/X, and I also like him as an actor, so it was obvious who was the chick bait. But Dennehy seems like a very crafty actor, that is to say, a man who knows his craft.


These posts are always lame because there are never photos, never proof, just long winded stories. Yawn.


Make your own kind of music. Sing your own special song, even if nobody else sings along.
This is long before the instagram age, so maybe I'm just making stuff up or trolling. Yawn.


I believe ya. I used to run into him out and about in Putnam, CT. Nice guy, always up for shooting the breeze.


Hint - we all know this is a possibility, so you can just piss off now.


I watched Semi-Tough (1977) a few weeks ago.

Looking at trivia, I found out that this was Dennehy's film debut.

Dennehy's FIRST scene is in the football locker room in a jock strap with his ass facing the camera 😆.
