Judi's Blindness

Oh Ms Dench I am so sorry to read of your gathering Blindness. I hope some one gets and reads this to you. I have seen all your latest outings as "M" I had no idea you had any vision problems. That to me means that you are a skilled and able actress. I am very glad you developed the neccessary support system to keep your bean counting persona with us in all the future Bond adventures.
The early bird might get the worm,
But the 2nd mouse gets the cheese!


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Such sad news, I hope things get better for her- blindness sounds so scary, I just hope she doesn't have a hard time adjusting to life without sight- my love goes out to her


Judi suffers from macular degeneration, which is common among the elderly. It is not total blindness but leaves you with peripheral vision. My mother suffered from it towards the end of her life (she lived to be 83.)


Oh I understand, wow=|

Love ya judicial:)


She is a marvel. I have the utmost respect for Judi Dench. One of my favorites.

Remember us, for we too have lived, loved and laughed


I'm saddened to hear of her difficulties as of late and I hope she continues to be in many more movies.

[Never trust anyone that posts on only one IMDB board.]


Dame Judi is not blind, she has a very bad sight because of her disease; I suppose good doctors look after her : hopefully the appropriate treatment will work and it won't get worse too quickly... I knew a girl (only 23) who suffered from this disease, so not only elderly people.


She is an amazing women, all the best to her.
