MovieChat Forums > Judi Dench Discussion > Has she ever used an accent?

Has she ever used an accent?

I've seen Judi Dench in an awful lot of films over the years and some TV too. I don't recall off-hand ever hearing her adopt any kind of accent... I'm quite sure I must be wrong and am mis-remembering somewhere along the line. Does anyone know of any instances onscreen (or stage) where Judi has used an accent?


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The Shipping News > she used a Nova Scotian (?) accent

I can't think of any other examples at this moment, but am sure there are some.


She's Hoover's mother, Annie, In J. Edgar and she uses an American accent but to my ears, it sounded very forced and I don't think it was successful.

(I love spoilers so go ahead and tell me everything.)


Thanks! I forgot about Chocolat - which is easily her worst performance of those I've seen. Never bothered with The Shipping News or J. Edgar, although I do intend to give the latter a chance one of these days.


She's French in Nine


Dear Lord that accent in J. Edgar... awful, as was the film! I think she ties with Maggie Smith's American accent in Washington Square.

Silver Linings Playbook / O. Russell / Jackman / Lawrence / Waltz / Hunt
