Best Actress
Maybe the best actress working at the moment. Only Tilda Swinton comes close IMHO.
David Bowie (1947-2016)
Alan Rickman (1946-2016)
Prince (Rogers Nelson) (1958-2016)
Maybe the best actress working at the moment. Only Tilda Swinton comes close IMHO.
David Bowie (1947-2016)
Alan Rickman (1946-2016)
Prince (Rogers Nelson) (1958-2016)
Bullcrap, I could rattle off the names of at least 50 better actresses just off the top of my head. Dench is an actor of very limited range, and more often than not just gives the exact same performance over and over. The exact same facial expressions, the exact same mannerisms, the exact same voice tones and inflections from role to role. Especially her voice-work - even Barbara in Notes on a Scandal, the most distinguished piece of characterisation I've seen from her, the voice-work is very much exactly the same as usual. The fact of the matter is she's a mostly average actor who's presumed to be far better than she is thanks to the usual trick of having a posh English accent, and just exuding English upper-middle-class quaintness in general.