I just dont get it

I dont get why this guy is popular. The way I see it hes too goofy to be a lead, and his acting talent is kind of non-existent. I dont get how it is that he's getting jobs. Good for him that hes working on something he loves but I just dont see it.

When men stop seeing movies because theres a "hot chick", movies will focus once again on story.


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I love Patrick in Loverboy,Can`t Buy Me Love and A Season in Purgatory.
Keith C. Martin


Its kinda like the same way I, dont know or care about anybody else, dont understand how Tom Cruise is still funny or still an action hero...or how Steve Carrell(dont care about the spelling) or Will Farrell is sooo funny that people actually fight over their show or mimmick their stupidity!


Tom is crazy as a fox, and as long as women find him handsome he will have a job.

Steve plays the same part in everything he does, it works great for The Office but its kind of a 1 note performance and doesnt really show any acting or comedic talent. Will Farrell has his moments but theyre so few and far between it makes me wonder how he still gets work.

I guess I just meant that Patrick is not very talented and he has the kind of face I picture when I hear talk of a stalker. I guess I just dont get why hes supposed to be so hot. Or why women love him so much?

When men stop seeing movies because theres a "hot chick", movies will focus once again on story.


I guess so for Tom...

Exactly..one note and thats all he knows and unnecesary shouting or annoying facial expressions that I just ignore completely, same thing with Will!

Patrick is actually cool and talented...and handsome but hey


The whole non-existent thing...what exactly are you judging it on? If it's Grey's, especially in later seasons, he's not given a whole lot to work with but when he is, he has a ton of talent. I suggest checking him out on Once and Again...he was nominated for an Emmy for it. Or some of his strongest episodes of Grey's...like the Jenn arc. He's an awesome actor.

And he's insanely attractive. Not in a traditional sense, there's just something about him.



Thanks for the reply I guess we just are of different minds and thats cool to each their own. Thanks for the recommendation on Once and Again Ill check it out.
If I see it soon Ill even come back and revisit this.

When men stop seeing movies because theres a "hot chick", movies will focus once again on story.


When I watch him on any movie tv show his eyes r so dreamy
