MovieChat Forums > Jeremy Davies Discussion > He's amazing in Rescue Dawn

He's amazing in Rescue Dawn

There is a lot of people pissed about Werner Herzog's portrayal of Eugene in Rescue Dawn, but I think Herzog changed his character up a bit to add more conflict to the story. So I wanted to post this and say I thought Jeremy Davies was amazing in the film. The scene when he threatens Dieter Dengler he'll scream if he tries to escape is truly genius. Congrats Jeremy Davies, that movie wouldn't have been good without you.


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I agree. I thought he was great. I just saw Solaris and he was very good in that film as well. He has a few characteristics that I didn't particularly like in Solaris -waving his hands around a lot- but that may have just been part of the character and not Davies' acting style.


That scene stands out, as well as his last scene where he drops the machete. He needs to be nominated for an Oscar already.


He's very good and I'm not quite done with the movie yet. One thing I was struck with is how skinny he got himself to truly look like a famished pre-Vietnam POW in a prison camp. It reminded me of what Bale did in The Machinist.


Indeed he IS amazing!

but writing
"that movie wouldn't have been good without you"
is pushing it a bit, I think.
The other actors are also great .

But indeed, once you've seen the movie you couldn't think Davies away...



i need to see this movie!!


Bale probably would have gotten thinner, but he knew he would have had to bulk right back up for Dark Knight and I doubt he wanted to go through that again.

But yeah, Jeremy was quite awesome in the movie.


Thay both have totally differant body-frames so bale definatly lost more weight than him when he did the machinist. I watched this movie because Bale was in it too, but i also really loved Jeremys performance in it. The only thing that really annoyed me about this film was the fact that Jeremys charachter always had his shirt open,as if the actor was CONSTANTLY 'showing off' the amount of weight he had lost for the part. This could have been shown in scenes that required it (zahn and bale pulling off the leeches for eg) i just thought it wasn't very subtly handled. Yeah i know bale had his shirt off in parts of the machinist-and yeah its very hot in the jungle-but it seemed a little too 'look at me' in-your-face.
