Movie Question

I'm half blushing asking this question, but I'm really interested to know...

Are there any movies in which Alan kisses a man?
The little love bites in Cabaret don't count...I mean full on lip locking...are there any movies where he does that?

I do admit, I haven't seen every single AC movie.
There may be several in which he kisses a man.
Let me know! :D

I've never seen him kiss a man before, and I want to...I realize how strange this sound (strange as in imposing). I've seen him play just about every kind of character and he delights me in every role I see him in. He's a beautiful man and his smile lights up my day.

I love you, Alan!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


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anyone? :(

"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


Hmmm...there must not be any (yet), since no one's been able to answer me.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


There's an "Ask Alan" section on his website?!

*feels suddenly nervous to ask him...even though I know he probably wouldn't mind*

EDIT: *meep* I just did! Let's see if he answers me.

*is a silly fangirl and knows it*


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"
