Has anyone SEEN 'For My Baby' / 'Goodnight Vienna'?
I remember hearing about this movie when I was first made aware of the awesomeness of Alan Cumming. There's a trailer on his website for this movie (that has two different titles, depending on the country you were from) and it seemed....interesting. He's an Austrian comedian who's being haunted by his sister who died in the Holocaust, so it's like a pscyho-thriller sort of deal.
The reason why I'm asking is because it's so rare to find Cumming in a LEADING role. He's always the co-star or the off-beat character (hopefully, he'll get some juicier roles with the help of "The Good Wife.")
Has anyone seen this movie? Do you know where I could watch it because, while I'm sure it's not the best movie he's ever done, it certainly seems worth checking out. Thanks!