What an idiot.

Just seen this man on Question Time. What an absolute idiot and a liar. To be honest, I haven't seen him in anything but Goldeneye nearly 20 years ago and he was quite awful in that. Yet he thinks he is something special.


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Whaddya expect from someone who said he wanted to became a US citizen just to vote for Obama? Funny thing is he became a naturalized citizen on November 7, 2008 and the election was November 4. How's that for nuttier than a fruitcake? Oh, wait, he is a fruitcake.


Whaddya expect from someone who said he wanted to became a US citizen just to vote for Obama?I'm NO Obama supporter. My web username is actually magnoliasouth and if you Google it, you'll see that I hate him. Passionately. He is the worst president in U.S. history and is a parasite on the skin of society. It is a real shame that fellow Americans fell for his lies, hook line and sinker. It is an embarrassment that they are all so stupid, for voting that cheating liar into an actual presidency. It just boggles my mind.

I also agree that Cumming's desire to become a U.S. citizen just to vote for Obama is a glaringly stupid thing to do (if true), but in all fairness there are few intelligent actors out there. They are all handicapped in intelligence and just like anyone else that is handicapped, we should feel sorry for them.

Most are sexually promiscuous, most have little education, most are drug addled and thus most are mentally deficient. They're stuck with adolescent minds and are unable to cope with life. I'm not just talking about Kim Kardashian or Lindsay Lohan. I'm also talking about the big folks like Robert Downey Jr., Tom Hanks and Alec Baldwin.

There are very few actors that do NOT fit that profile. It is unfortunate that people confuse acknowledgement of talent with respect. They are two totally different things.

All that said, I will say that Cumming does have talent. He is a very good actor. It's too bad he ruins it by opening up his mouth, off camera.

... but I say that about all celebrities anyway.

Random Thoughts: http://goo.gl/eXk3O


How would you know that PRESIDENT OBAMA is the worst president in history unless you've experienced the terms of all of the presidents?



It's called EDUCATING yourself.
You believe you have to LIVE all history to study or know it?


actually, yes. to know that he is the worst president ever, you would have had to experience each one. because I know you know that you can't believe everything you see or hear. it's the same with movies, saying "this is the worst movie of all time" only holds weight if you've seen every movie.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


>> He is the worst president in U.S. history and is a parasite on the skin of society

Obama got us out of Iraq.

At the very minimum, that makes him better than the fool who stupidly got us into Iraq and then bungled the occupation.

Oh, And, then, there are Obama's 50 straight months of private sector job growth.

That makes him better then the goofball who crashed global capitalism as he was exiting the presidency.

Oh! And our president got Osama bin Laden.. something Bush was clueless how to do... making Obama better, still.

And, let me guess, you were one of the cheerleaders who told us, for eight straight years, that Bush was a genius.


Tyshimah you are too *beep* stupid to talk, do everybody a favor and kill yourself.

Millennial = Homo Sapiens born 1990 or after; Losers who think they know everything but don't
