MovieChat Forums > Jon Cryer Discussion > Is he supposed to be an ugly guy on Two ...

Is he supposed to be an ugly guy on Two and a half men, or is it just me?

I'm a guy and I don't normally judge other men, but I'm going to put him in the same category as {Gilbert Gottfried, Pete Davidson, Harvey Weinstein, Michael Moore}, at least his character on TAAHM. I have not seen him in anything else.



he is not uglys in taahm. he is just nerd.


He is in Extended Family now with a completely different look, and watching a clip, I don't feel that he's as ugly. I think I just don't like short, black hair buzzcuts like on TAAHM.

So I'll watch Extended Family , though TRUE CONFESSION, the REAL reason I'll watch the show is for Abigail Spencer, yum! I miss her from Timeless.


he is an unattractive man/


So it's not just me? But BOandBarbecue disagrees with us above! And do you also agree with me on {Gilbert Gottfried, Pete Davidson, Harvey Weinstein}?



They are not attractive and there is nothing wrong with that.
They just aren't.


He's not ugly at all. He's normal and pleasant looking.


He was supposed to be nerdishly unattractive to women.

There was an episode where Charlie took him to a clothier and got him a new look which Alan hated but agreed to wear. When they went to their local bar, he was getting looks from women.

Reminds me of Married With Children where Al hated the idea of having sex with his wife (Katy Segal). In the context of the show, she was only average at best where most fans thought the actress and the character for that matter was hot.
