as a crawford fan, what's your biggest disappointment with her career?
mine would have to be her inability to let go of her glamour image and take on something a bit more gritty than her usual 'great lady of distinction' roles, especially as she grew older.. i just wish she hadn't been such a slave to her glamour star act.. instead, for all of her talent, she seems to have placed herself into a restrictive box of her own creation..
and while i enjoy her corporate pepsico image and what not, i wish she had ventured beyond her 'glamour' comfort zone a bit more often as an actress after 'wehtbj?'.. it's almost as though she could not wait to get back to her glamorous self after that.. it was a kind of armor she needed to wear to survive i guess..
or perhaps such pithy roles were no longer there for her in the 1960s to allow her to reinvent herself one last time as she seems to have remained typecast in 'glamour' parts for the remainder of her screen career except for 'the caretakers'..
oh well.. the night gallery episode 'eyes' gave us an all-too-brief glimpse of what might've been if she had only allowed herself to appear on screen slightly less than perfect in certain roles.. but, alas, her insecurity would not allow her to stray too far from the glamorous sophisticate that made her iconic..
it wasn't the fall from her 16th-floor penthouse that killed her, it was the landing