Damn that second video is all I need to see to know this man is innocent. Those women, those lame stories, those crocodile tears. So obvious these opportunistic whores are trying to gain fame by saying they fucked Cosby, and of course it was rape, because he's a married man. Can't seem too whorish. Can't seem too opportunistic looking for career help. Those women are so ugly, on the inside and outside. No man would go through the trouble to rape them.


Lol... Out of curiosity, are you a Trump supporter by chance?


I voted for Biden, twice. Once in Georgia, and once in Arizona.


Oh damn, did you use a dead person as an alias or were you able to double clone?


"Those women are so ugly, on the inside and outside"
So you judge them based on how they look now; not how they looked decades ago when it took place. You must love Chump.
Everyone knows Bill is guilty. But that doesn't mean he belongs in prison. The Andrea Constand case is a separate matter and the PA Supreme Court correctly threw the case out.


sure thing lady.


Spanish fly means aphrodisiac, not knockout drugs. Supposedly Bill used quaaludes which is not as bad as roofies. But the original one supposedly was dried beetles crushed and put in a drink. This caused inflammation, i.e. not good for one.
Hello America!


Yes I know Spanish Fly is an aphrodisiac and works similar to viagra but not a sedative & hypnotic drug. Quaalude/Mandies/Quack (methaqualone) is still considered a date rape drug no matter how 'bad' it is compared to others substances like roofies (flunitrazepam/rohypnol), chloroform, ecstasy/molly. In the end it was a recreational drug most commonly used by youths at the time.
