MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > Camille Cosby lashes out at accusers, me...

Camille Cosby lashes out at accusers, media and 'mob justice' in statement defending her husband

Wait for it ... Lefties are going to support Camille's rant. BLM will start protesting.

"This is mob justice, not real justice. This tragedy must be undone not just for Bill Cosby, but for the country."

In her statement, Camille Cosby invoked the Constitution, likened her husband to martyred Emmett Till and other black men falsely accused of rape by white women, declared that accuser Andrea Constand and dozens of other Cosby accusers lied, and blamed all his troubles on the media with their "frenzied, relentless demonization of him and unquestioning acceptance of accusers’ allegations without any attendant proof."

"I firmly believe (Constand's) recent testimony during trial was perjured; as was shown at trial, it was unsupported by any evidence and riddled with innumerable, dishonest contradictions," Camille Cosby's statement said.

Constand's lawyer, Dolores Troiani, issued a brief response Thursday morning.

“Twelve honorable people — a jury of Cosby’s peers — have spoken. There is nothing more that needs to be said,” said Troiani in a statement emailed to USA TODAY.


I don't blame her. Foisting about in limitations statues in order to snag somebody is beneath contempt.

This is the times we're in. NDA are trashed. Lawyer/client privilege is ruined. Due process is destroyed. Look what happened to Donald Sterling out in California. His home is wired and he's on the tape saying the "n" word. So they lynch him in the street and take his business. To square it they staple a $2 billion bank draft to his forehead and swear= "We'll never do something like that again." - Silver/NBA commissioner.

The Sterling thing though is separate from the other egregious acts I cite. Those lines are crossed for one reason and one reason only=to rob the Trump Presidency. Once that happens (if it does) Media will slowly but surely restore the aforementioned pillars of civilized American man like it was never molested to begin with. & try crossing those lines again. I dare ya. You'll think a load a brick fell on ya.



But, 666, we're indoctrinated to believe that rape is not sexually motivated, that it's motivated by power.



A course that now turns out be untrue, & so we have to walk it back & indoctrinate all over again.

Don't you fret, Sammy, we'll get 'er done, come Hell, or, high water.



I'm talking about indoctrination over the course of half-a-century.

I ain't nobodies fart catcher. It's my religion.


I'm amazed that she can defend him at all. No pride. At the very least he cheated on her multiple times.


She only has to defend him for a few weeks, then she gets his millions.


Eh? Not according to the article linked under the post titled "Abandoned by family" on this board posted 4 hours ago. He's still under house arrest and is rewriting his will.


The op is from May.


I wasn't responding to the original post.

I was responding to the post preceding mine which made the claim she need only hold on for a few more weeks posted not even a day ago.


Very well said. And apparently this goes back to the SIXTIES when he had a short lived 1969 prime time sitcom The Bill Cosby show..

Remember the Golden Rule. Whoever has the most gold makes the most rules.
Golden Retrievers have the most gold, therefore Golden Retrievers make the most rules.


Your OP is pretty funny, considering what's happened now, and that the first reply is from an avid right-winger, who agrees with Camille.

Not a one left-winger has agreed.


I wasn't talking about the forum. I forgot how much hate he got for being a conservative.
