How did some virgin kid from a southern hick town know about this and all those wanna be starlets approaching the rich and famous Bill Cosby in Hollywood didn't know about it
As far as I know, Quaaludes was the most popular drug in Hollywood in the 70s. To be honest, my experience with drugs is limited to weed and magic mushrooms (I always liked the hippie stuff), but for anyone hanging around in Hollywood in the 70s, Quaaludes were kind of a common thing. It's true that drugs back them were used to lower inhibitions when it comes to sex, but that was a generation raised in a much stricter sexual code. 60s-70s were a period of freedom, and for many people freedom included the possibility of being free from themselves for a while, which is another kind of freedom, and a very valuable one.
As it happens with everything, some people always push the boundaries from whatever the trend is in that moment. Maybe Cosby did, or maybe he didn't, who knows. but as long as he didn't put the drug in someone's drink without her knowledge, or threatened somebody, it should be considered consensual. People are adults.
What I find worrying is all that's stuff is very similar to what I used to hear when I was a kid in the Sunday Church. It feels like the old preachers and church ladies reappeared in this time reborn as the so-called progressives to fool everybody.