It seems like most of her films centers around...
characters from privileged backgrounds or class?
Virgin Suicides(1999)-Girls from upper-middle class suburbs.
Lost in Translation(2003)-About a wealthy bored actor getting paid $2 million for a whiskey ad, who meets a hipster girl, who obviously comes from a well to do background.
Marie Antoinette(2006) -self explanatory
Somewhere (2010)-famous actor recuperating after an injury at the Chateau Marmont
The Bling Ring(2013)-about a bunch of spoilt middle-class teens who break into rich peoples homes.
I liked MA and LIT so I'm not criticizing the films or her style, I just wonder whether its because of her background, that she makes these movies with those kind of aforementioned themes?
It would be nice for a change if she made a film about characters who weren't all well off, Banana Republic wearing trust fund hipsters.