MovieChat Forums > Jim Caviezel Discussion > The main reason to watch Person of Inter...

The main reason to watch Person of Interest

Jim Caveziel. My gosh, he just makes that show. I like the whole premise but somehow without JC it wouldn't be as good.


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You mean the main reason NOT to watch Person of Interest. Never have I ever seen such a wooden and inexpressive actor. At one point he was outacted by a phone booth.


I couldn't agree more! Not only is JC extremely easy on the eyes but he has that intelligent and caring yet amazingly badass character down to a tee. John Reese's on a par with Jason Bourne IMHO and that's saying something. My favourite scenes are the ones with both Reese and Finch though, and their (hopefully) growing bond; the show wouldn't be what it is without Michael Emerson. Can't wait for next season!


I think the whole cast is simply amazing, the show is extremely addictive! But I love John as a character and Jim Cavezil is brilliant in playing him and the show is definitely the new CSI


UGH, don't mention those three letters CSI anywhere near Person of Interest.

I do agree with the rest of your post, though! :)

(Cheating on NCIS with Person of Interest :) )


He's the reason I started watching it, I heard about it and thought it sounded like it could be brilliant or rubbish then saw him in the ads and had seen him in The Count of Monte Cristo a few weeks or so before and had to watch it and I'm glad I did! It's just, so awesome! I love it


I'd like to point out that your username and signature both include the letters "C", "S" and "I".


How random of an observation .. .
I've never watched a CSI..

(Cheating on NCIS with Person of Interest :) )
