Now that OnceOAT is finally finishing, please go back to serious acting!
I want more trainspoting, SGU, 28 weeks later type shiz.
Leave the acid johnney depp pixie character at home
I want more trainspoting, SGU, 28 weeks later type shiz.
Leave the acid johnney depp pixie character at home
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shareThat frilly turd is finishing? Glad to hear.
I second your request. Hopefully Robert will listen.
๐บ Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) ๐พ
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but OUAT is not finishing. On the contrary it's up for a Season 5 which Robert will start filming in July.
But OUAT doesn't exclude Robert from doing other projects as well. His directorial debut "The Legend of Barney Thompson" (which looks GREAT judging from the official trailer, by the way) opened the Edinburgh Film Festival this year, and I've recently read an interview where Robert talks about "Trainspotting 2" being very much in the cards too.
No matter what, Robert should first and foremost be working on the projects that make HIM and his family happy IMO.
Now that OnceOAT is finally finishing
...which it isn't.
How in the hell is OUAT still on the air?!!!!!... That show and acting is horrible. Even as great at Robert is, the style of that show is so cartoony hence the bad acting. I tried so many times to watch it just for Robert but I just can't stomach the over acting. As good as an actor Robert is, OUAT is not his best work.
This crappy OUAT show stays on the air while a brilliant show, (written, acted,directed, edited, produced & special effects)like SGU gets canceled. I don't get the poor taste of the general public.
Even OUAT Wonderland was waaaaaaay better written, acted & directed than OUAT and that got canceled.
If you all are fans of Robert, you would know his best acting job was in SGU Sci-Fi drama.
๎ฏ๎... End of line.