Her Depression

how long has she been battling depression


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for two years if i remember right


In her book it said it was even during her marriage to Olmos I believe and during The Sopranos and a friend told her "Dr. Melfi heal thyself" and she got help. I only read the first part of her book and so far it's interesting.


omg. it was more than two years?... holy...


yeah i don't know if she has it anymore but if you go on youtube and search lorraine bracco an interview with craig fergson (i think) from oct 06 he asks her about her depression and she talks about it.


She is on Oprah today,
I have depression and had it for about 5 years now
you never "get over it" you an take medicine, see a counsler.

Depression does not go away on its own. I have been told
I will take my medinice for the rest of my life.


who the heck told you that you will never get over it???


Well, I guess "get over it" is harsh, but my primary doctor and psychologist(sp?) pastor, and a few friends that also have depression has told me that I will have to take the meds forever. Even now after 3-4 years of taking the meds I still have bouts of depression, not as bad as they once were but I do have take it day by day, and the day that I wrote my first post, I was feeling depressed, so I ask forgiveness for how my words sound.
