for real Berkley fans

Elizabeth appeared in a movie (film A)by director/producer A. She appeared in a second film (film B) with actress A and actor A. Actress A and actor A appeared in a third film (film C) by director/producer A with Michael Ironside. In addition Elizabeth appeared in two TV episodes (TV episode A & TV episode B) with Actress A.

1) producer/director A
2) film A
3) film B
4) film C
5) actress A
6) actor A
7) TV episode A
8) TV e[isode B

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


Tough one!!!

1. Paul Verhoeven
2. Showgirls
3. Tail Lights Fade
4. Starship Troopers
5. Denise Richards
6. Jake Busey
7. The Burke's Law - Who Killed the beauty Queen
8. Saved by the Bell - The Last Weekend



very good.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)
