MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Berkley Discussion > Least successful from Saved By The Bell

Least successful from Saved By The Bell

Her and Samuel Powers. Shouldn't have done Showgirls. Terrible career move.


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Showgirls did turn out to be a mistake. but at the time it was a honest effort and should have been a door opener for her. but I don't see her as least successful. Mark, Mario, and Lark all have had rather mediocre careers. mostly TV one shots and short lived series. Tiffany has done better with a few movies and a couple long lived TV series. But Elizabeth is in the running. she has had a number of movies-some rather good- and TV guest shots. not outstanding or what it should be but hardly least successful.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


Fell by the wayside in recent years. Her, Lark and Diamond are rarely seen these days. Just an observation.


well she did take off time to have a baby. but she's still around. she has a new movie in the works and has appeared on TV in the past year. I've not seen Mario or Mark at all in years. Lark and Diamond seem to have disappeared completely.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


Rumour has it that lark is suffering from bipolar and no longer working and Dustin diamond was in a homemade porn and was blasted on that losing weight show on tv. I think she's doing much better than those two, considering.

What's zack Morris doing these days?


Zack Morris is on the show Franklin & Bash so he's had a steady stream of TV series he's been a part of sine SBTB went off the air.


yes, and of those series only 5 lasted more than one season. in the same time Elizabeth had appeared in over 20 theatrical or TV movies.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)
